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Israeli Maritime Startups Boom as UN Decade of Ocean Science Kicks Off

March 5, 2021

Driving this wave of momentum has been rising Israeli venture capital hub theDOCK. Founded by Israeli Navy veterans in 2017, theDOCK works with early-stage companies in the maritime space to bring their solutions to market. The hub's pioneering efforts ignited Israel's maritime technology sector, and now, with their new fund, theDOCK is motivating these high-tech solutions to also address ESG criteria.

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VC Specialist Goes to Sea

November 17, 2020

A focused investor from the start-up nation sees oceans of potential in collaboration with Hong Kong

Maritime-Tech “Exits”​ – Surge in 2019/20 Reaching New Horizons

November 17, 2020

Back in October 2018 we opened a previous article with a question we stumbled over back then (by a financial investor) – “Why would I invest in a sector that barely has any exits?”. We decided to take action. We rolled our sleeves and conducted a study reviewing years 2016-2018 to figure out numbers and trends.

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thyssenkrupp Partnership with theDOCK yields 4 promising Startups

September 22, 2020

On Thursday, September 17, theDOCK hosted the Finals Virtual Event for its Maritime Autonomous Systems Challenge which was sponsored by thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (tkMS) and ATLAS ELEKTRONIK. The event culminated a best practice 3-months screening project in search for excelling startups addressing ATLAS’ declared needs and challenges.

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