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webinar Series

Corporate-Startup Collaboration

Current Implementations & Thoughts on a Post Coronavirus Maritime World
A series of live webinars showcasing promising technology ideas!
theDOCK has identified interesting use-cases of Corporate Startup collaborations in which the technology innovation both
(1) bears a message for the post Coronavirus era, and
(2) already has a "boot on the ground" - i.e. is implemented with a leading player in the maritime ecosystem.

Recorded Webinar #1 | ZIM & Wave

Digitalizing Trade Documents to Support Remote Work for Documentary Operators

- Eyal Ben-Amram, CIO, ZIM

- Gadi Ruschin, Co-Founder & CEO, Wave

Key Takeaways:

The Maritime Industry amidst #COVID19:

> Getting the business to cooperate with new ideas & technologies is always challenging when the NEED did not originate internally. Coronavirus helped the business get past the barrier of understanding due to the clear criticality of the NEED.
> Forward looking carriers are eager to become more digital, however many of them still struggle with paper-based operations.
> BLOCKCHAIN technology will dominate the supply-chain in the future.
> The shipping business is bleeding for a long time, and part of that is due to lack of cooperation between players. ELECTRONIC TRADE DOCUMENTS pose an opportunity for a network effect that will benefit all players including competing entities.

Corporate-Startup Collaboration:

> Startups should strive for their project to stay away from the title of "IT project", but rather make it be viewed as a MISSION-CRITICAL one.
> To collaborate with a corporate, the startup needs a good SPONSOR from the corporate side, and be ready to accommodate DESIGN requirements.
> FAST ON-BOARDING is key, especially these days with increased interest from the business leading to accelerated adoption processes.

Our Next Webinar #2 Liberty & Orca AI

Automation and Real-Time Remote View for Ships & Crew Safety in Times of COVID-19

- Josh Shapiro, COO, Liberty 

- Yarden Gross, Co-Founder & CEO, Orca AI

©2025 by theDOCK

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